i found out that so many people are fighting for their future, including me. this make me feel hopeful. i just read a news event about a Arabic women being raped legally. i am so fortunate born in a world that treat either male or female equally. sometimes, i complain too much. i should do what i need to do. how much you do how much you earn. be positive!! 

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回台灣 (差點來不及轉機,卻因此坐到華夏客艙,認識了一個可愛的小嬰兒-小瑜)

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台商會團拜 Wal-Mart 免稅店

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snowing this morning

Dad's birthday

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beautiful sunset

stars all over the sky

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Sogo department store

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Sogo department store

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China to Taiwan direct fly

Dalian Mayor

Dalian Taiwanese businesemen association

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可愛的小娃娃  休士頓的夫婦

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中餐  劉總 船廠 金石灘 結冰 舒適的旅館

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停電   出發  check in   貴賓室 肚子 少人的飛機 準點 抵達 阿來伯伯

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